Our Network

Delivering High-Quality Care That Improves Health Outcomes

EHN’s continuously expanding network includes some of the finest health systems and practitioners in the country. Our highest priority is to bridge the gap between employers and providers, uniting them in the common goal of delivering convenient, high-quality care and improving member health outcomes. Our ability to customize plans around the unique needs of every group also offers a viable, long-term solution for effective healthcare cost containment.

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Where Can You Find Us?

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EHN Markets

Austin, TX
Charleston, SC
Charlotte, NC
College Station, TX
Dallas & Fort Worth, TX
Denver, CO
El Paso, TX
Fort Smith, AR
Greenville & Spartanburg, SC
Houston, TX
Little Rock, AR
Los Angeles, CA
Orlando, FL
Phoenix & Tucson, AZ
San Antonio, TX
San Diego, CA
Seattle, WA
Tampa, FL
Temple, TX

Coming Soon
Memphis, TN


EHN's Network by the Numbers

user network

Includes partnerships with 20 leading health systems (and growing).

house with a health cross

9,000+ facilities and 85,000+ practitioners across 18 regions.

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Consistently delivers an average 20+% savings for employer groups.

Contact us

Reach out to learn more about partnering with EHN!